Time for a round up of what’s been going on (it’s amazing how a new games console can distract you away from things you’d normally do easily – like eating, blogging, sleeping).
My old {insert swearwords here} iBook has decided to bite the dust 3 days before I was going to give it away as a present, so if you have an old iBook where the mainboard/logicboard is ok but some other component is knackered I’d gladly take it off your hands. It’s enough to make you angry I’ll bet the little {insert more swearwords here} did it on purpose being jelous of it’s new friend!!
My webhosting company, [blackcurrant hosting], were going to stop trading but then got rescued by someone else in the meantime. Which is good because you can customise the kinda hosting you want :)
I’ve upped some new photo’s to [zooomr], including some smartsets of [beer animals], [fimo animals] and the [romsey carnival] – check it out.
[EMusicJ] is an amazing open source emusic client that works like a demon under Linux :D
Me and Em went to a party at our landlords which was realy nice and we got fed lots too which helped a bit I guess.
The forecast channel on the Wii is now enabled so I can get my weather from there.
Go and buy the raconteurs album (broken boy soldiers) and metric’s new alubm (live it out) they both rock!
Oh and if anyone asks I’m working from home today! OK?!
Have a good Christmas!!