OK so say I spent my entire left getting scared the crap out of – people constantly jumping out from cupboards, leaving spiders in baths, pushing me out of bed and so on.
Would my heart be better at dealing with short periods of intense activity? And therefore better equipped to deal with a heart attack?
Obviously there are some drawbacks here, such as turning into a gibbering wreck and being afraid of everything. This would generally make for a pretty shonkey life – but just hypothetically do you think it’s possible?
You’re of course assuming thet the heart attack wouldn’t be caused by an underlying medical condition, blood clot, etc.
I’m not sure whether the heart muscles can be developed to that extent, after all you’d need to expose them to a few thousand shocks to get enough “exercise”.
If you made your heart strong enough I’m sure it would be able to cope with clots – kinda cough them through….
I think small electric shocks could work well initially…
Maybe you could adapt a pacemaker to deliver higher voltage, then you could get 80 shocks a minute!
But a heart attack is when your heart stops, not when it beats faster
OK captain pedant! The bit before your heart stops :)