Social spam – warning: angry stuff

I’ve received this message a few times so far in my short Facebook life – so I thought I’d write about it. Deep breath now:

if somebody called adds you to their facebook account/invites you to be their friend DON’T accept it because it’s a hacker. Tell everyone on your list because if somebody on yours adds them, you get them on your list and he’l figure out your ID computer addesss. So copy and paste this message to everyone even if you don’t like them and fast..because if he hacks their mail, he hacks yours

If one more person sends me this horse shit I’m going to be the one in their inbox hacking their mail!

Seriously, just look at the facts for a second:

  1. It’s a hotmail address so you can’t check if it _actually_ belongs to someone
  2. You don’t get “Friends of Friends” stuff on your profile otherwise it would be rammed full of bits of other peoples frankly worthless lives and statuses (John is angry)
  3. “he’l figure out your ID computer addesss” My WHAT?, what? w-h-a-t! My computer ID address, which (yes I do mean which) mentally inept son of a bitch thought that up? What the fuck is a computer ID?
    • It can’t be my [MAC address] cos that’s useless unless you live next door and want to get in to my wireless network
    • It can’t be my IP address because despite being sticky it’s still going to change and it’s more than likely not my IP because it’s been [NAT’ed]
  4. “if he hacks their mail, he hacks yours” Oh. My. God. So if Dave gets hacked and he’s using Hotmail, and Dave is my friend, he can hack my mail even though I’m using [Hushmail]. No. Just no. Brains in gear people, BRAINS IN GEAR!

Right I think I’ve calmed down a bit now. Thanks for reading, and remember, if it sounds like shit (I’m not sure what noise shit makes but you’ll know it when you hear it) it most certainly is.