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On the way home from work this Friday afternoon I had the misfortune to catch the [PM program on Radio 4] (that’ll teach me not to ride to work).
The main discussion topic was about the recent energy price increases.
I’d just like to go through a few of points made during this program to point out how remarkably short sighted they are:
- “…Gordon Brown has said no to the idea of extra cash to pay for energy bills this winter in favor of improving home insulation — a move that has angered many back benchers in the party”
- “…many old people will die this winter”
- “..the government have flip-flopped between supporting and not-supporting an improved home insulation policy”
- “…when I arranged a visit from the subsidised loft insulation company they said it would be January until it could be installed due to a lack of fitters. The Government can’t expect to train all these people over night”
OK, now lets go through each point ripping it to shreds with something called “intelligence”.
- Insulating peoples homes is LONG TERM SOLUTION ™. Any one who thinks giving an extra tenner to people who can’t pay their energy bill is just trying to keep them quiet. Cheap energy is running out, it’s not going to get any cheaper, no amount of handouts is going to change that. But insulating peoples homes better and encouraging people to buy energy saving products will! Obviously I’m not counting the retards that still love their non-energy saving light bulbs here, they’re going to freeze to death like natural selection intended them to do in the first place
- Yes many old people will die this winter – that’s what happens when you get old, you die. But you know if these old dudes had properly insulated houses perhaps they could at least die warm.
- The Government haven’t ‘flip-flopped’ they’ve reacted, before the massive price increases it wasn’t actually that important to everyday people, it wasn’t the kind of this you got elected for. I’d much rather have a reactive Government than one that sat around with its fingers in its ears
- YES THEY CAN! It’s loft insulation! It’s not fucking rocket science! YOU CAN DO IT YOUR SELF!! Go to B&Q or Homebase they’ve shitloads of the stuff! They’ve even got [guides on fitting it]! Now shut your stupid face up!
Right well that’s made me feel a lot better….
You’re right on. Couldn’t have said it better myself. -Pete